Located in Portland, Oregon, Rose City Astronomers (RCA) is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment and education of astronomy to our members and the general public.
The Rose City Astronomers was formed in 1988…
…as an organization of amateur astronomers dedicated to the promotion, education and enjoyment of astronomy among its membership and the general public. To support that goal, the RCA sponsors a variety of activities for its membership and the general public that are geared to family participation and focused on low or no cost so that all can afford to participate. In all cases, members volunteer their time, their own personal equipment, and cover their own personal expenses to put on a variety of activities. We are a 501(C3) non-profit public benefit organization.
Monthly General Meetings
General membership meetings of the Rose City Astronomers are free and open to the general public. The meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. on the third Monday of every month at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) located at 1945 SE Water Avenue, Portland, OR 97214.
6:30 PM
New Member Orientation to welcome and introduce new members to RCA programs and activities OR (alternating months) Introduction To Astronomy, an informal instructional presentation on some topic of interest and benefit to "beginners" in astronomy.
The Telescope Library is open to loan and handle returning equipment. You may also select equipment for immediate loan at our loan desk. (We also accept returns and loan-outs right after each meeting.
7:00 PM
Book Library, Merchandise table, Membership table, and other Vendor tables open. Socialize and network with other members.
7:30 PM
RCA business meeting and announcements.
8:00 - 9:00 PM
Featured guest speaker.
Telescope Workshop for learning how to use or fix your telescope
Discounts on astronomy related books, equipment and clothing.
Reduced rates on magazine subscriptions to Astronomy and Sky&Telescope magazines
Personal membership in the Astronomical League.
Participation in the Astronomical League Observing Award programs
See list of RCA Members who have received an AL Observing AwardQuarterly newsletter from the Astronomical League, the "Reflector".
RCA Affiliations
International Dark Sky Association
RCA is a member of this association and one of our goals this year is to increase participation in the IDA. This group is becoming more & more effective in fighting & even reversing the spread of light pollution.
Astronomical League
All RCA members are automatically members of the AL. The AL has many Observing Clubs with awards for completion of various observing lists. They also put out a quarterly magazine about AL activities around the nation.
Night Sky Network with NASA & JPL
The Night Sky Network (NSN) began five years ago with a core group of amateur and professional astronomers and educators, working with NASA at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Since its inception, the NSN has grown to over 300 amateur astronomy clubs across the United States. This cadre of dedicated amateur astronomers are selflessly sharing a wealth of their knowledge, telescopes and time.
Organization Information
RCA Officers & Coordinators - contact information
RCA Bylaws - amended July 1, 2013
Donations accepted - cash - property - books - telescopes The RCA was qualified by the IRS on May 31, 2000, as a public benefit association entitled to exemption from federal income tax under the provision of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donors may deduct contributions to the RCA from federal income taxes as provided in section 170 of the Code. RCA will happily furnish a receipt for donations.
The RCA was qualified by the IRS on May 31, 2000, as a Non-Profit(EIN 93-1205364) entitled to exemption from federal income tax under the provision of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donors may deduct contributions to the RCA from federal income taxes as provided in section 170 of the Code
Having trouble reaching an Officer or Coordinator via email? Contact the president@rosecityastronomers.org