SkyLark: RCA Dark Sky Observing Site
June 10, 2024 Update
The Rose City Astronomers now have our own dark sky observing site!
We closed on June 10th and are now quickly working to create a program to allow members have access to the site.
Site Highlights as of Today:
Perimeter fenced with secure gate access. Community grader keeps access road maintained.
Sparse vegetation, including some juniper and young ponderosa.
Excellent sky-views to the north, south, and east. Slight sky-glow of Bend to the west.
20 miles from Bend and 20 miles from Prineville. No commercial utility power in the area and it is dark!
There are two outbuildings on the property, one warming shelter, and one that is a restroom. Work will need to be done to get the outbuildings habitable, but in addition there is a covered gazebo and two large concrete pads ready for telescopes.
More details will be forthcoming including lots of pictures!
Prineville, Oregon
3.5 hours from OMSI, Bortle 2 skies, 4,000 ft. elevation!
In April 2024, the Observing Site Committee received an email regarding a 10-acre property for sale near the Oregon Badlands Wilderness area (east of Bend, south of Prineville). After checking out the site and comparing it to possible alternatives, the Observing Site Committee recommended to the board that the land be purchased. The board has since approved the purchase and we closed on the purchase of SkyLark on June 10th.
How to Help
Make a tax deductible donation to the SkyLark project by clicking here!
Phase I - Goal: $57,000 - Raised: $57,000 (100%)
Purchase the 10 acre property including closing costs. The board is allocating from existing observing site funds and the rest was raised with donations. Develop a membership use policy and procedure for receiving site access instructions. We are working to secure an portable toilet for summer use.
Phase II - Goal: $30,000 - Now fundraising!
Repair outbuildings and develop use policy and procedure. Add dedicated solar power station for charging batteries and provide internet access. Fund ongoing maintenance and future items & projects.
Phase I Status
100% Raised!
Phase II Status
Donate Here
SkyLark Frequently Asked (or Answered) Questions
Updated: 06/10/2024
Is RCA purchasing the property or leasing it?
RCA has purchased the 10 acre parcel.
Where is the site?
The site is due south of Prineville and due east of Bend, outside of the Oregon Badlands Wilderness area.
How far away is it?
The site is about 3.5 hours from OMSI.
How dark is it?
The site is Bortle 2.
How many people can it hold?
The property can handle many of vehicles. We don’t anticipate issues with capacity, but will be keeping track of its usage.
Can I go only during star parties?
The intent will be to allow access outside of star parties for any RCA member. We are still working on details of how this might work.
What are future plans?
Phase I would just be purchasing the site and getting minimal facilities for regular RCA member use.
Phase II includes repairing the structures on-site and add on-site power and internet for members.
We are welcome to suggestions for subsequent phases.
Is there water? Internet? Cell reception? Electricity?
There are no utilities or other improvements on the site. Cell phone access exists.
Are there any rules I need to be aware of?
The RCA Observing Site Committee will work on an orientation that will include the policies that will be required to be acknowledged to receive site access information.
How can I donate to help with purchase and improvements?