To request assistance from RCA in organizing a star party or educational activity for your organization or group.
Please [fill out the form] and and the request will be forwarded to the RCA Outreach Coordinator for your region who will contact you.
Please Note
1. All requests are subject to RCA being able to recruit enough member-volunteers to participate.
2. All outdoor observing activities are, of course, subject to being canceled due to cloudy weather.
3. Assistance to community service organizations, schools, and other non-profits is provided at no cost by RCA volunteers (although any contribution is welcome).
4. Assistance to private parties, or for-profit businesses or events, is also available, with the following suggested donation to RCA:
$100 - small group (<20 guests)
$200 - medium group ( 20-50 guests)
$300 - large group (50-100 guests )
$400 - extra-large group (>100 guests)
The number of volunteers and telescopes provided by RCA will vary based on the estimated number of guests in order to provide everyone a fun and educational experience.
5. If you would like an event on a specific date, it is recommended that you contact RCA at least 2 months in advance of your date. Less time is needed if you are flexible on the dates and some events, such as daytime solar viewing, can be done with shorter notice.
6. RCA is an all-volunteer organization, therefore we cannot guarantee that we will always be able to honor your request – but we will do our best. Realize also that on New Moon weekends most members are out observing, and our volunteer-pool shrinks.